Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The story of Joseph Genesis 34-41

On Tuesday we discussed the life of Joseph particularly his trials.

Joseph is Jacob's 11th son. He is probably the last person who his brothers think would get the birthright.

Rueben the first born who is entitled to the birthright gives it up b/c he lays with Bilhah (his father's wife).

Joseph is Rachel's first born. As a result he receives the birthright (the firstborn of Zilpah and Bilhah would not be considered b/c these wives are the handmaids of Leah and Rachel and their children would be considered children of Leah and Rachel).

For this reason Joseph is envied by his brothers.

They plot to kill him but then decide to sell him.

Joseph becomes an indentured servant.

The Pharaoh's guard, Potiphar, purchases Joseph. He sees Joseph is a man of faith and good tidings and puts Joseph in charge of his home.

Unfortunately Potiphar's wife comes on to Joseph. Joseph refuses to lay with her. Because of this she makes it seem as though Joseph took advantage of her.

Potiphar puts him in jail. In jail Joseph meets a baker and a butler. Both of which have dreams. They share their dreams with Joseph. Joseph is willing to interpret their dreams and in turn requests that they tell the Pharaoh good tidings of him.

He tells the Baker that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days but he would be hung. He tells the butler that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days and would be put back into his position.

The events unfold exactly the way Joseph states. The baker is hanged and the Butler goes back into his position but he forgets to tell the Pharaoh; that is until the pharaoh has a dream.

The Pharaoh calls on all the wise men and magicians to interpret his dream. None of them can. This is when the Butler tells the Pharaoh about Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.

The pharaoh requests to see Joseph. Joseph is able to interpret his dream. He tells the pharaoh that there would be seven years of abundance and seven years of drought. Additionally he suggests a storage plan.

The Pharaoh likes Joseph and trusts him. The Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge. He tells Joseph he would be the only person higher in command to him.

How was Joseph able to maintain his positive attitude despite all the trails he had??

What can we learn from Joseph?

How can we maintain a positive attitude even when things do not seem to be going well?

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Children of Jacob

Jacob works for Laban for seven years in order to marry Rachael.

Laban deceives Jacob and has him marry Leah.

Jacob is willing to work another seven years to marry Rachael. He marries her shortly after he marries Leah.

Rachael is barren but Leah has several children.

Rachael's handmaid and Leah's handmaid also have children.

Eventually Rachael has a child, Joseph.

These children are known as the twelve tribes of Israel.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Genesis 25-28

Today we learned of Isaac's sons, Esau and Jacob.

Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob.

Esau gives up birthright for food to Jacob.

How easily are we willing to give up spiritual blessings to fulfill a temporal desire???

Isaac asks Esau to make him venison. Rebekah hears this request and tells Jacob to bring the venison to his father in place of Esau his brother.

Jacob was reluctant at first because he did not want his father to curse him for having tried to deceive him. But decides to listen to his mother.

Jacob brings the venison to his father in place of Esau. His father is blind so he cannot see but he feels Jacob's hand to confirm that he is Esau. Because Jacob's hands are hairy like his brother's hands Isaac assume it is Esau.

Isaac gives Jacob the blessings that he "meant" to give to Esau. When Isaac finds out that he blessed Jacob he could have taken the blessing backhoe did not. This confirms to us that Isaac knew he was the rightful heir to the blessings. Birthright does not necessary guarantee the keys to the priesthood. The person needs to be righteous.

Once Esau finds out what happened he threatens to kill Jacob.

Isaac sent Jacob out of town to find a wife who was part of the covenant (Rebekah's niece).

Isaac also sent him away to protect him.

Do your parents intend the best for you even when they make you upset?

Jacob has a dream with a ladder. The steps on the ladder represent the covenants we make. The top of the ladder is heaven.

What do you have to do to get there?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A wife for Isaac-Genesis 24

Today we discussed who Isaac married.

Abraham sent his servant to the land of his ancestors to find a wife for Isaac. He wanted Isaac to marry someone who was part of the covenant.

Why was this important?

Is it important? How does this relate to our lives?

Abraham understood the importance of having Isaac marry someone within the covenant. Isaac understood this as well which is the reason he did not oppose it.

Isaac was willing to marry Rebekah.

Getting married in the temple should be your goal. There are so many blessings that you can gain from getting married in the temple and having the gospel in your household.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Scripture Mastery

Students you have four scriptures to start memorizing. Make sure to visit this website:

This website has several exercises that will help you remember these scriptures.

Moses 1:39
Moses 7:18
Abraham 3:22-23
Genesis 1:26-27

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Promised Fulfilled and The Sacrifice of Isaac

The lord fulfilled the promise he made to Abraham.

The Lord tested Abraham and asked him to sacrifice. This was a huge test!! Would you be willing to give up the most valuable thing you have?? Although Abraham might have felt sad and possibly felt confused he still obeyed the Lord.

He took Isaac to Mount Moriah. Just before killing Isaac the Lord stopped him.

There are similitude between Heavenly Father and Abraham and Jesus Christ and Isaac.

What are they?

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Today we discussed the promise the Lord made to Abraham.

He was told that Sarah would have a child.

Sarah was a bit surprised and laughed in disbelief. She was about a ninety years.

Although it seemed unlikely for a woman her age to have a child nothing is impossible for the Lord.

When you feel that something is impossible in your life turn to the Lord. If it is his will he will make it possible.

I admire Abraham for his patience. He waited for a hundred years to have
his promise fulfilled. If he can wait a hundred years and not have his faith waver then so can I and you as will.

We discussed Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Lord told Abraham he would not destroy Sodom if there was as little as five righteous people.

The Lord warned Lot (Abraham's nephew) that the city Sodom would be destroyed.

Lot left Sodom with his two daughters and his wife (no one else listened to his warning).

Lot's wife "turns back" and is turned to salt. Turning back does not literally mean she turned back. It's a figurative way of saying she probably could not leave her ways or her material wealth.

Is it difficult for us to make changes in our life to become more righteous?

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Old Testament Reading Chart

Seminary Website

Dear Seminary Students,

I hope your weekend is going well. Below you will find the link to the seminary website that will provide additional resources and support to you.

As for your assignments. It seems like you are all adjusting. I will start giving specific assignments. I noticed that many of you feel more comfortable handwriting the assignments. If that works best please hand in your assignments in this format.

This week we are reviewing Genesis 18-23. Please read.

The assignment for this past Friday is on page 27 activity A. (in your student manual)

Answer the Lord's question
1) Notice that the question in Genesis 18:14 is not answered. Look in Luke 1:37 for an answer.
2) Write about an experience that you or someone you know has had that shows "nothing is too hard for the Lord." (verse 14)

The assignment for tomorrow is to review your scripture mastery (Moses1:39, Moses 7:18, Abraham 3:22-23, and Genesis 1:26-27). No need to memorize just yet. We will review them this week.

Please, please visit the blog!!


Laura Soriano

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Abrahamic Covenant

Today we discussed Abraham's Covenant.

A covenant is a promise.

Abraham's part of the covenant, which is the same for us, is to walk uprightly.

The Lord's part of the covenant is known as the Abrahamic covenant.

-Baptism (covenant of salvation) (received the priesthood)
-Celestial marriage (covenant of exaltation)
-Father of multitude (covenant that blessings would be offered to all of his posterity).

Please make to review your scriptures. Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Genesis 11-14

Today we read Genesis 11-14 together.

We discussed the following:

Noah's lineage

The Tower of Babel

The promise made to Abram. He would become father of nations.

The reason Abram left his family (the Lord commanded him; they were not righteous. He left with Lot (his nephew) and Sarah (his wife)).

Where Abram journeyed.

A falling out amongst the herdsman of Lot and Abram. How did Abram handle the situation?

This failing out let to Lot and Abram going separate ways.

Lot pitched his tent to Sodom.

We learned about the alliances of the kings.

We learned about Melchizedek (King of Salem). He was know as the king of righteousness.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Taking upon the name of Jesus Christ

Have you ever wondered what your name means. Why did your parent spend time deciding what to name you?

Does your name have a special meaning?

In Genesis 17:1-8 we learn that the Lord changed Abram's name to Abraham. "Abram" means exalted father and "Abraham" means father of a multitude.

This change served as an additional testimony of the Lord's promise to Abraham. He told Abraham that he would be the father of nations.

Today the Lord does not change our given names. Instead through baptism we take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. For this reason we are known as "Christians" or "Saints." A saint is a purified follower of Christ.

During sacrament we receive the name of the Lord (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79).

We discussed making a mental checklist before taking the sacrament to decide if we are worthy enough to partake of the sacrament. You can decide what is on this list.

We discussed five desires you may have and Abraham's desire. He desired to be righteous.

Compare your desires to Abrahams.

We discussed what may it difficult for Abraham.

Please make sure to read your scriptures for tomorrow.