Thursday, 3 November 2011

Forgiveness Genesis 44- 45

Judah was able to convince their father Jacob to send Benjamin (the youngest son (second son of Rachael)) to Egypt

Judah said he would watch over Benjamin and would pretty much give his life for him.

When Joseph's brothers arrive to Egypt, Joseph sets a dinner for them (they still don't know who Joseph is; they still think it's just the man second in command to the pharaoh).

Benjamin gets the biggest portion (this may be pointed out in the scriptures to possibly see what feelings this may bring about from the other brothers).

Joseph sends them off after the dinner but sends someone after them stating that one of the stole an item.

They all deny having taken anything. After being searched the item was found in Benjamin's sack.

Judah speaks to Joseph to allow him to be taken in place of Benjamin. He explains that his father Jacob would probably die if Benjamin does not return.

Joseph sees the change of heart of his brothers and reveals himself to them.

He forgave them and explained that it was the Lord's plan. Because he was sold he was not able to save them.

I am amazed by this story. There are two huge lessons here we can apply to our lives.

Have you ever felt offended and hurt by someone? Have you felt so upset with someone you are unwilling to look past their offense?

What can you learn from Joseph?

Have you ever felt so frustrated with your trials and wondered why you are being tested? Have you ever felt like life is not fair?

How can Joseph'a trials help us confront ours?