Friday, 11 November 2011

The Plagues (Exodus 7-10)

The Lord sends Moses to have the Israelites delivered from Bondage but the Pharaoh hardens his heart and makes things more difficult for them.  They have to complete tasks but are no longer given supplies to complete the tasks.  They now have to look for the supplies and still manage to complete the tasks within the same time frame.

If you were Moses how would you feel?  You were asked to deliver the people but seem to worsen their condition?

It is because the Pharaoh hardens his heart that the plagues begin.

We learned that each plague corresponds to an Egyptian God.  Why do you think that is?

Egyptian Gods
Parallels in Latter-day Prophecies
1. Water to blood (seeExodus 7:17–25)
Hapi (or Hopi)—controlled the waters of the Nile, which was itself considered sacred
2. Frogs (seeExodus 8:2–6)
Heqt (or Heket)—goddess with a frog’s head
3. Lice, or gnats (seeExodus 8:16–17)

Seth—god of the earth; the earth was turned into lice, or gnats
4. Flies (seeExodus 8:21–24)
Possibly Uachit—represented by a fly
5. Cattle dying (seeExodus 9:2–7)
Apis and Mnevis—bull gods; Hathor—goddess with a cow head; Khnum—a ram god
6. Boils and blains (seeExodus 9:8–11)
Sekhmet—a goddess with power over disease; Sunu—the pestilence god; Isis—a goddess of healing
7. Hail and fire (seeExodus 9:22–26)
Nut—the sky goddess; Osiris—the god of crops and fertility
8. Locusts (seeExodus 10:12–15)
Osiris—god of crops and fertility
9. Darkness (seeExodus 10:21–23)
Khepri, Re (or Ra) and Amun—sun gods
10. Death of the firstborn (seeExodus 12:12–30)
Pharaoh—considered a god, but had no power to save his own son from death; Isis—goddess who protected children

I  got these images from this website:

As we can see the Lord's power supersedes others power.  Be careful.  Sometimes we can be tricked.  How can you be tricked??  

Moses' early life; The Burning Bush; Moses returns to Egypt (Exodus 1-5)

What does Exodus mean? 

- To exit; depart

Last week we learned how/why the Israelites migrated to Egypt.  Quick recap after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he forgave them and then had them move to Egypt with all their posterity.

After Joseph and the Pharaoh passed a new Pharaoh reigned over Egypt.  The scriptures state that he did not know Joseph.

This Pharaoh noticed how the Israelites flourished and became concerned about their power.

He commanded all the Hebrew midwives to kill every new born boy.  (The midwives did not listen to this command.  They feared God more than they feared the Pharaoh.)

In your life who do you feel like you respect more the Lord or man?  What do your actions show?

In effort to save her child Moses' mother put him in a basket and sent him up the river.

This decision not only saved Moses but it also saved the life of the Israelites from bondage.

The daughter of the Pharaoh finds and raises Moses.

Moses leaves Egypt, which is when he marries his wife, Zipporah.  The Lord visits him.  He is told to visit the Pharaoh and request to have the Israelites freed.

How can we liken this to our lives? The Israelites are in Bondage.  The Lord hears their cries and sees their burdens and wants to deliver them.  

Have you ever felt like you did something that caused you to feel stuck or feel like there was no way out?  If so, know the Lord can deliver you.   He cares for you immensely.