Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Tabernacle- Exodus 25-30 and Exodus 35-40

 The Lord described in detail how he wanted the Tabernacle to be built.  Deep meaning is associate with the physical dimensions and plan of the tabernacle.

The Tabernacle was built into three different sections as shown below:

The Ark of the covenant contained the stone tables with the law written by the Lord.  Aaron's rod was also placed inside later on. The covering of the Ark was made of solid gold with two Cherubim (refers to guardians of scared things).

The table of Shewbread (means "the bread of faces," or "the bread of the presence," signifying that this bread was placed before the face of the Lord or in His presence)

The Golden Candlestick (menorah in Hebrew means "place of lights).  The light provided in the house of the Lord symbolized the perfect light.  The oil used for the lamps was pure olive oil that had been consecrated (blessed).  Olive oil represented the Holy Spirit.  It provided fire, heart and light when burned in the lamps. Can also looked at as another symbol of the true source of spiritual light.

The Altar of Incense stood directly in front of the veil.  This ritual seems to signify that one can approach the presence of God only through prayer.  The incense is a symbol of prayer.

We can compare the division of the Tabernacle to the three levels of glories.  What are some steps that we need to take to reach the Celestial Glory?

Continuation of the Ten Commandments

Today we continued our discussion of the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law. The Ten Commandments were the basic law. The Mosaic law was made up of specific examples of what people could and could not do in relation to the basic law, the Ten Commandments.

The fourth commandment: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

We are given multiple reasons explaining why we need to observe the Sabbath. Primarily it is to rest from our worldly activities and edify our spirits. The Lord knows that if we do not take time out from these activities we will eventually get stressed. Now does that mean that we are suppose to sleep all day?? No. It means that you take a rest from worldly activities not from the Lord's activities. This is a day in which you can serve others, listen to uplifting music, spend time with family members, etc.

Occasionally participating in worldly activities on Sunday may not seem to affect you but over time it will affect your spirit. This may seem unlikely to you but the Lord is all knowing. There is reason he made this a commandment.

The fifth commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother

Your parents are representatives of God. They are responsible for you.
Even if your parents are not good examples for you you are still required to honor them, however, this does not necessarily mean you follow their example.

The sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill

Destruction of human life; this includes abortion.  

A solider who is at war and folding commands will not be subject to punishment.

The seventh commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery

There should be no sexual relationship outside of marriage. 

The eighth commandment: Thou shalt not steal

Stealing happens in many ways.  Plagiarizing, downloading illegally, etc.

The ninth commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness

This refers primarily to gossip.  How can we prevent this?

The tenth and last commandment: Thou shalt not covet

This means to have the wrongful desire for someone else's material wealth, property, etc.

Breaking this commandment can lead you to break many of the other commandments.