Today we learned of Isaac's sons, Esau and Jacob.
Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob.
Esau gives up birthright for food to Jacob.
How easily are we willing to give up spiritual blessings to fulfill a temporal desire???
Isaac asks Esau to make him venison. Rebekah hears this request and tells Jacob to bring the venison to his father in place of Esau his brother.
Jacob was reluctant at first because he did not want his father to curse him for having tried to deceive him. But decides to listen to his mother.
Jacob brings the venison to his father in place of Esau. His father is blind so he cannot see but he feels Jacob's hand to confirm that he is Esau. Because Jacob's hands are hairy like his brother's hands Isaac assume it is Esau.
Isaac gives Jacob the blessings that he "meant" to give to Esau. When Isaac finds out that he blessed Jacob he could have taken the blessing backhoe did not. This confirms to us that Isaac knew he was the rightful heir to the blessings. Birthright does not necessary guarantee the keys to the priesthood. The person needs to be righteous.
Once Esau finds out what happened he threatens to kill Jacob.
Isaac sent Jacob out of town to find a wife who was part of the covenant (Rebekah's niece).
Isaac also sent him away to protect him.
Do your parents intend the best for you even when they make you upset?
Jacob has a dream with a ladder. The steps on the ladder represent the covenants we make. The top of the ladder is heaven.
What do you have to do to get there?