Sunday, 25 September 2011

Adam and Eve and their family

On Thursday we learned more about Adam and Eve and their two sons, Cain and Abel.

We discussed the offerings that Cain and Abel gave to the Lord.

We discussed that Cain felt jealous of Abel b/c the Lord was pleased with Abel's offering and not Cain's.

We discussed the reasons why the Lord must have felt displeased with Cain's offerings. The Lord might have been displeased with his attitude.

We likened this to our life. How do we offer service or make offerings?? Are we complaining and murmuring??

We discussed Cain killing Abel. We read in Moses that Satan influenced Cain to do this (this fact is missing in the Old Testament).

What can we do to prevent Satan from influencing our lives?

Please read Genesis 5-10 Moses 6-8 for this week.