On Tuesday we discussed the life of Joseph particularly his trials.
Joseph is Jacob's 11th son. He is probably the last person who his brothers think would get the birthright.
Rueben the first born who is entitled to the birthright gives it up b/c he lays with Bilhah (his father's wife).
Joseph is Rachel's first born. As a result he receives the birthright (the firstborn of Zilpah and Bilhah would not be considered b/c these wives are the handmaids of Leah and Rachel and their children would be considered children of Leah and Rachel).
For this reason Joseph is envied by his brothers.
They plot to kill him but then decide to sell him.
Joseph becomes an indentured servant.
The Pharaoh's guard, Potiphar, purchases Joseph. He sees Joseph is a man of faith and good tidings and puts Joseph in charge of his home.
Unfortunately Potiphar's wife comes on to Joseph. Joseph refuses to lay with her. Because of this she makes it seem as though Joseph took advantage of her.
Potiphar puts him in jail. In jail Joseph meets a baker and a butler. Both of which have dreams. They share their dreams with Joseph. Joseph is willing to interpret their dreams and in turn requests that they tell the Pharaoh good tidings of him.
He tells the Baker that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days but he would be hung. He tells the butler that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days and would be put back into his position.
The events unfold exactly the way Joseph states. The baker is hanged and the Butler goes back into his position but he forgets to tell the Pharaoh; that is until the pharaoh has a dream.
The Pharaoh calls on all the wise men and magicians to interpret his dream. None of them can. This is when the Butler tells the Pharaoh about Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.
The pharaoh requests to see Joseph. Joseph is able to interpret his dream. He tells the pharaoh that there would be seven years of abundance and seven years of drought. Additionally he suggests a storage plan.
The Pharaoh likes Joseph and trusts him. The Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge. He tells Joseph he would be the only person higher in command to him.
How was Joseph able to maintain his positive attitude despite all the trails he had??
What can we learn from Joseph?
How can we maintain a positive attitude even when things do not seem to be going well?