Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Clean and Unclean

Today we learned about the different animals the Israelites were allowed to eat and the animals they were not allowed to eat.

Why were not allowed to eat these animals?

The Lord knew that at times the Israelites would forget to pray, follow the commandments, etc but they would not forget to eat. These dietary restrictions would allow the Israelites to remember him.

What dietary restrictions do we have?

The Word of Wisdom.

The Lord knows what is good for our bodies. He wants us to be healthy and to make good decisions. We can make good decisions if our judgement is not impaired.

Having our bodies clean means that we can have the holy ghost with us. How fortunate we are to have this guide.

The Story of Balaam

Today we read the story of Balaam.

I asked you to write down a weakness.
How you have or how you can overcome this weakness?
What can you gain from overcoming this weakness?

Balaam's weakness led him to disobey God. He was more interested in the riches Balak could offer him.

Balak wanted Balaam to place a curse on the Israelites so they could not take over their land.

After an interaction with an angel and his donkey Balaam decides he will only speak that of which God wants him to speak.

Later in the scriptures he advices Balak that the only way to weaken Israel is to get them to break God's commandments.

What are your impressions of Balaam?

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Numbers 2

Today we started reading the book of numbers.

Why was this book named Numbers?

"The book of Numbers is the scriptural history of the Israelites
while they traveled in the desert between Mount Sinai and
the eastern edge of their promised land. It covers over thirty-
eight of their forty years in the wilderness and explains why
the Lord kept them in this wilderness for so long. From it we
learn how God works with His children and how we can
receive His promised blessings" (from the student manual).

Today everyone was assigned a tribe and and asked to find where they belonged in the encampment of Israel.

What was at the center of the encampment?

Why do you think the Lord had them positioned this way?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Leviticus 1-17

Today we reviewed three scriptures from the Scripture Mastery: Abraham 3:22-23, Genesis 1:26-27 (these two are long ones so you will have to practice them a few times) and we Leviticus 19:18 (this scripture mastery summarizes one of the main focuses of Leviticus (to love our neighbor).

What does Leviticus mean? It has to do with Levites. The Lord chose the tribe of Levi to take care of the Tabernacle. The book of Leviticus was a handbook for the Israelites. Guidelines for them to follow so they wouldn't be lost.

Why do you think they needed guidelines?

Why do we need guidelines? What handbooks do we have?

Chapters 1-7 describes the various sacrifices

Chapters 8-10 explains the requirements placed upon the priests

Chapters 11-15 explains the different laws in relation to cleanliness.

Today we discussed the different sacrifices. What kind of sacrifices do you make??

How does this relate to you? What does putting the natural man on the alter mean to you?

Look at the chart below to see the explanation for the different sacrifices.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

What can we do regularly to prepare to enter the Temple?

Exodus 28-29

1) cleanse yourself from sin
2) become a "new man" and become a new person in the Lord (Aaron and his sons put on sacred clothing)
3) allow the spirit to guide you
4) offer sacrifices (I'm not speaking about animal sacrifices). This refers to putting the animal within you on the altar (the natural man).
5) keep the atonement of Jesus Christ present in your heart
6) listen to the word, do what God would have you do and walk in the way of God

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Tabernacle- Exodus 25-30 and Exodus 35-40

 The Lord described in detail how he wanted the Tabernacle to be built.  Deep meaning is associate with the physical dimensions and plan of the tabernacle.

The Tabernacle was built into three different sections as shown below:

The Ark of the covenant contained the stone tables with the law written by the Lord.  Aaron's rod was also placed inside later on. The covering of the Ark was made of solid gold with two Cherubim (refers to guardians of scared things).

The table of Shewbread (means "the bread of faces," or "the bread of the presence," signifying that this bread was placed before the face of the Lord or in His presence)

The Golden Candlestick (menorah in Hebrew means "place of lights).  The light provided in the house of the Lord symbolized the perfect light.  The oil used for the lamps was pure olive oil that had been consecrated (blessed).  Olive oil represented the Holy Spirit.  It provided fire, heart and light when burned in the lamps. Can also looked at as another symbol of the true source of spiritual light.

The Altar of Incense stood directly in front of the veil.  This ritual seems to signify that one can approach the presence of God only through prayer.  The incense is a symbol of prayer.

We can compare the division of the Tabernacle to the three levels of glories.  What are some steps that we need to take to reach the Celestial Glory?

Continuation of the Ten Commandments

Today we continued our discussion of the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law. The Ten Commandments were the basic law. The Mosaic law was made up of specific examples of what people could and could not do in relation to the basic law, the Ten Commandments.

The fourth commandment: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

We are given multiple reasons explaining why we need to observe the Sabbath. Primarily it is to rest from our worldly activities and edify our spirits. The Lord knows that if we do not take time out from these activities we will eventually get stressed. Now does that mean that we are suppose to sleep all day?? No. It means that you take a rest from worldly activities not from the Lord's activities. This is a day in which you can serve others, listen to uplifting music, spend time with family members, etc.

Occasionally participating in worldly activities on Sunday may not seem to affect you but over time it will affect your spirit. This may seem unlikely to you but the Lord is all knowing. There is reason he made this a commandment.

The fifth commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother

Your parents are representatives of God. They are responsible for you.
Even if your parents are not good examples for you you are still required to honor them, however, this does not necessarily mean you follow their example.

The sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill

Destruction of human life; this includes abortion.  

A solider who is at war and folding commands will not be subject to punishment.

The seventh commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery

There should be no sexual relationship outside of marriage. 

The eighth commandment: Thou shalt not steal

Stealing happens in many ways.  Plagiarizing, downloading illegally, etc.

The ninth commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness

This refers primarily to gossip.  How can we prevent this?

The tenth and last commandment: Thou shalt not covet

This means to have the wrongful desire for someone else's material wealth, property, etc.

Breaking this commandment can lead you to break many of the other commandments.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

College Overview

Sister Rivera did a presentation on Colleges.

Why do you think the church encourages us to get an education?

Please read Doctrine and Covenants 130:18-19

"Whatever principle  of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come."

The Lord we will be better instruments in this world if we further our education.

Sister Rivera reviewed:
Type of Degrees
Type of Colleges
Standardized Exams/Grade Point Average
Questions to ask when researching Colleges
City University of New York Schools
State University of New York Schools
Financial Aid

I have handouts for the students who were not able to make it.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.  We can also contact Sister Rivera.

Ten Commandments- Exodus 20

Last Tuesday we started studying the Ten Commandments.  And wow what an interesting conversation it was.  We were only able to cover the first three commandments.

-Thou shalt have no other gods before me
(What does this commandment mean to you?)
What Gods do you idol? 

-Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
(What does this commandment mean to you?)

-Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
(How may you do this? Do you do this?)

We will continue this discussion on Tuesday.  I hope you had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Sunday, 20 November 2011


On Thursday we continued to explore the blessings the Lord poured upon the Israelites despite their murmuring (complaining). He had bread rain upon them (manna) b/c there was nothing to eat. He also provided water for them.

Isaac asked in class, why did the Israelites continue to complain if they saw all the miracles the Lord had already performed?

Why did the Lord continue to provide?

If people looked back at us several decades later what would they say about us?

Do you complain even when blessings seem to clearly come into your life?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Exodus 14-15 The Red Sea and Murmuring Part 1

Have you ever experienced a situation in which you felt helpless?

If so, do you remember ever seeking out the Lord for help??

In Exodus 14 we see how the Lord helps the Israelites even though they are complaining aka murmuring.

The Israelites see the Egyptians pursuing them and become scared. They allow their fear to get the best of them. They say they were better off in Egypt as servants than wandering in the wilderness to their death.

In verse 13 we read this phrase: Fear ye not, stand still.

At times fear may cloud your judgement and possibly make you forget the Lord. This may possibly lead you to make a rash decision. Stand still and be patient. The Lord will help you. But you must practice faith.

In movies we have seen the Red Sea part immediately after Moses puts his rod over it. This is not what happens in the scriptures. The parting of the sea happens overnight. At which point the Israelites are still moving forward not truly knowing whether the sea will part. This exemplifies the principle of faith.

We need to trust in the Lord even if we are uncertain of what will happen.

I know he will bless your life. He has blessed mine.

Exodus 11-12 Symbolism in the Scriptures

If the Prophet said there was a natural disaster coming to our area and that everyone who went to the Rego Park building would be saved. Would you go?

Why or why not?

How did the Pharaoh and the Israelites heed to Moses' warnings?

Yesterday we discussed the last plague. All the firstborn would die. In order for the children of Israel to protect their firstborn in others words have the "destroyer" "pass over" their homes they needed to do something specific.

What did they have to do?

They had to get an unblemished lamb and put its blood on the door post. Of course you will find more details in Exodus 12:1-28 but that is the jest of what the scripture is saying.

How did the blood of the lamb save the firstborn?
Who is referred to as the "Lamb" in the scriptures?
How did the Lamb save mankind?

In the video we watched today we learned the answers to these questions.

The Passover can be compared to the atonement. The Lamb represents Jesus Christ. The blood represents his blood and it also represents life.
The blood of the Lamb saved the firstborn of Israel just like the blood of Jesus Christ saved all mankind.

Why did/does the Lord use symbolism?

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Plagues (Exodus 7-10)

The Lord sends Moses to have the Israelites delivered from Bondage but the Pharaoh hardens his heart and makes things more difficult for them.  They have to complete tasks but are no longer given supplies to complete the tasks.  They now have to look for the supplies and still manage to complete the tasks within the same time frame.

If you were Moses how would you feel?  You were asked to deliver the people but seem to worsen their condition?

It is because the Pharaoh hardens his heart that the plagues begin.

We learned that each plague corresponds to an Egyptian God.  Why do you think that is?

Egyptian Gods
Parallels in Latter-day Prophecies
1. Water to blood (seeExodus 7:17–25)
Hapi (or Hopi)—controlled the waters of the Nile, which was itself considered sacred
2. Frogs (seeExodus 8:2–6)
Heqt (or Heket)—goddess with a frog’s head
3. Lice, or gnats (seeExodus 8:16–17)

Seth—god of the earth; the earth was turned into lice, or gnats
4. Flies (seeExodus 8:21–24)
Possibly Uachit—represented by a fly
5. Cattle dying (seeExodus 9:2–7)
Apis and Mnevis—bull gods; Hathor—goddess with a cow head; Khnum—a ram god
6. Boils and blains (seeExodus 9:8–11)
Sekhmet—a goddess with power over disease; Sunu—the pestilence god; Isis—a goddess of healing
7. Hail and fire (seeExodus 9:22–26)
Nut—the sky goddess; Osiris—the god of crops and fertility
8. Locusts (seeExodus 10:12–15)
Osiris—god of crops and fertility
9. Darkness (seeExodus 10:21–23)
Khepri, Re (or Ra) and Amun—sun gods
10. Death of the firstborn (seeExodus 12:12–30)
Pharaoh—considered a god, but had no power to save his own son from death; Isis—goddess who protected children

I  got these images from this website:

As we can see the Lord's power supersedes others power.  Be careful.  Sometimes we can be tricked.  How can you be tricked??  

Moses' early life; The Burning Bush; Moses returns to Egypt (Exodus 1-5)

What does Exodus mean? 

- To exit; depart

Last week we learned how/why the Israelites migrated to Egypt.  Quick recap after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he forgave them and then had them move to Egypt with all their posterity.

After Joseph and the Pharaoh passed a new Pharaoh reigned over Egypt.  The scriptures state that he did not know Joseph.

This Pharaoh noticed how the Israelites flourished and became concerned about their power.

He commanded all the Hebrew midwives to kill every new born boy.  (The midwives did not listen to this command.  They feared God more than they feared the Pharaoh.)

In your life who do you feel like you respect more the Lord or man?  What do your actions show?

In effort to save her child Moses' mother put him in a basket and sent him up the river.

This decision not only saved Moses but it also saved the life of the Israelites from bondage.

The daughter of the Pharaoh finds and raises Moses.

Moses leaves Egypt, which is when he marries his wife, Zipporah.  The Lord visits him.  He is told to visit the Pharaoh and request to have the Israelites freed.

How can we liken this to our lives? The Israelites are in Bondage.  The Lord hears their cries and sees their burdens and wants to deliver them.  

Have you ever felt like you did something that caused you to feel stuck or feel like there was no way out?  If so, know the Lord can deliver you.   He cares for you immensely.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Patriarchal Blessing our modern day Liahona

What was the Liahona? I'm not talking about the church magazine.

From the scriptures we can gather that it was a guide for Lehi and his family.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a guide sort of like a blue print in our lives?

Actually we can have access to a guide. It's known as the patriarchal blessing.

You can receive a patriarchal blessing when you feel worthy to get one. I received mine when I was a teenager. I have to be honest. I don't think I truly understood how valuable and sacred this blessing was/is. I don't think I was spiritually prepared to receive mine at the time I did.

I encourage you to prepare yourself. This will be the only way you will truly appreciate it.

Now I do want you to keep in mind that the promises made in this blessing are not guaranteed if you do not do what the Lord asks you to do. You must do your part.

Do you feel like you're spiritually ready to receive your patriarchal blessing?

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Forgiveness Genesis 44- 45

Judah was able to convince their father Jacob to send Benjamin (the youngest son (second son of Rachael)) to Egypt

Judah said he would watch over Benjamin and would pretty much give his life for him.

When Joseph's brothers arrive to Egypt, Joseph sets a dinner for them (they still don't know who Joseph is; they still think it's just the man second in command to the pharaoh).

Benjamin gets the biggest portion (this may be pointed out in the scriptures to possibly see what feelings this may bring about from the other brothers).

Joseph sends them off after the dinner but sends someone after them stating that one of the stole an item.

They all deny having taken anything. After being searched the item was found in Benjamin's sack.

Judah speaks to Joseph to allow him to be taken in place of Benjamin. He explains that his father Jacob would probably die if Benjamin does not return.

Joseph sees the change of heart of his brothers and reveals himself to them.

He forgave them and explained that it was the Lord's plan. Because he was sold he was not able to save them.

I am amazed by this story. There are two huge lessons here we can apply to our lives.

Have you ever felt offended and hurt by someone? Have you felt so upset with someone you are unwilling to look past their offense?

What can you learn from Joseph?

Have you ever felt so frustrated with your trials and wondered why you are being tested? Have you ever felt like life is not fair?

How can Joseph'a trials help us confront ours?

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Joseph Brothers go to Egypt

Today we covered Genesis 42 to 43.

There was famine all over the land. Jacob sent his sons (except Benjamin) to Egypt to buy food.

Joseph recognizes them. They do not recognize him. He accuses them of being spies and puts them in prison. He frees everyone except Simeon and keeps him as collateral. He tells them they must bring their younger sibling when they return to Egypt.

While in jail Joseph's brothers spoke amongst each other and said they were put in jail as a punishment from God for having sold Joseph.

They were still feeling guilty even after twenty years. What does this tell us about sin?

It may possibly make us think twice about our actions. I know I don't want to think about what I do today in twenty years.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The story of Joseph Genesis 34-41

On Tuesday we discussed the life of Joseph particularly his trials.

Joseph is Jacob's 11th son. He is probably the last person who his brothers think would get the birthright.

Rueben the first born who is entitled to the birthright gives it up b/c he lays with Bilhah (his father's wife).

Joseph is Rachel's first born. As a result he receives the birthright (the firstborn of Zilpah and Bilhah would not be considered b/c these wives are the handmaids of Leah and Rachel and their children would be considered children of Leah and Rachel).

For this reason Joseph is envied by his brothers.

They plot to kill him but then decide to sell him.

Joseph becomes an indentured servant.

The Pharaoh's guard, Potiphar, purchases Joseph. He sees Joseph is a man of faith and good tidings and puts Joseph in charge of his home.

Unfortunately Potiphar's wife comes on to Joseph. Joseph refuses to lay with her. Because of this she makes it seem as though Joseph took advantage of her.

Potiphar puts him in jail. In jail Joseph meets a baker and a butler. Both of which have dreams. They share their dreams with Joseph. Joseph is willing to interpret their dreams and in turn requests that they tell the Pharaoh good tidings of him.

He tells the Baker that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days but he would be hung. He tells the butler that his dream means the following: he would be released from jail in three days and would be put back into his position.

The events unfold exactly the way Joseph states. The baker is hanged and the Butler goes back into his position but he forgets to tell the Pharaoh; that is until the pharaoh has a dream.

The Pharaoh calls on all the wise men and magicians to interpret his dream. None of them can. This is when the Butler tells the Pharaoh about Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.

The pharaoh requests to see Joseph. Joseph is able to interpret his dream. He tells the pharaoh that there would be seven years of abundance and seven years of drought. Additionally he suggests a storage plan.

The Pharaoh likes Joseph and trusts him. The Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge. He tells Joseph he would be the only person higher in command to him.

How was Joseph able to maintain his positive attitude despite all the trails he had??

What can we learn from Joseph?

How can we maintain a positive attitude even when things do not seem to be going well?

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Children of Jacob

Jacob works for Laban for seven years in order to marry Rachael.

Laban deceives Jacob and has him marry Leah.

Jacob is willing to work another seven years to marry Rachael. He marries her shortly after he marries Leah.

Rachael is barren but Leah has several children.

Rachael's handmaid and Leah's handmaid also have children.

Eventually Rachael has a child, Joseph.

These children are known as the twelve tribes of Israel.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Genesis 25-28

Today we learned of Isaac's sons, Esau and Jacob.

Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob.

Esau gives up birthright for food to Jacob.

How easily are we willing to give up spiritual blessings to fulfill a temporal desire???

Isaac asks Esau to make him venison. Rebekah hears this request and tells Jacob to bring the venison to his father in place of Esau his brother.

Jacob was reluctant at first because he did not want his father to curse him for having tried to deceive him. But decides to listen to his mother.

Jacob brings the venison to his father in place of Esau. His father is blind so he cannot see but he feels Jacob's hand to confirm that he is Esau. Because Jacob's hands are hairy like his brother's hands Isaac assume it is Esau.

Isaac gives Jacob the blessings that he "meant" to give to Esau. When Isaac finds out that he blessed Jacob he could have taken the blessing backhoe did not. This confirms to us that Isaac knew he was the rightful heir to the blessings. Birthright does not necessary guarantee the keys to the priesthood. The person needs to be righteous.

Once Esau finds out what happened he threatens to kill Jacob.

Isaac sent Jacob out of town to find a wife who was part of the covenant (Rebekah's niece).

Isaac also sent him away to protect him.

Do your parents intend the best for you even when they make you upset?

Jacob has a dream with a ladder. The steps on the ladder represent the covenants we make. The top of the ladder is heaven.

What do you have to do to get there?