If the Prophet said there was a natural disaster coming to our area and that everyone who went to the Rego Park building would be saved. Would you go?
Why or why not?
How did the Pharaoh and the Israelites heed to Moses' warnings?
Yesterday we discussed the last plague. All the firstborn would die. In order for the children of Israel to protect their firstborn in others words have the "destroyer" "pass over" their homes they needed to do something specific.
What did they have to do?
They had to get an unblemished lamb and put its blood on the door post. Of course you will find more details in Exodus 12:1-28 but that is the jest of what the scripture is saying.
How did the blood of the lamb save the firstborn?
Who is referred to as the "Lamb" in the scriptures?
How did the Lamb save mankind?
In the video we watched today we learned the answers to these questions.
The Passover can be compared to the atonement. The Lamb represents Jesus Christ. The blood represents his blood and it also represents life.
The blood of the Lamb saved the firstborn of Israel just like the blood of Jesus Christ saved all mankind.
Why did/does the Lord use symbolism?
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